American Horror Story: Hotel is the fifth season of the FX horror anthology television series American Horror Story created by by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk (GLEE, NIP/TUCK, FEUD, POSE). It premiered on October 7, 2015, and concluded January 13, 2016. The series was renewed in October 2014, with the subtitle Hotel being announced in February 2015.
The fifth season of American Horror Story focuses on the Downtown Los Angeles Hotel Cortez which has been recently purchased by a New York fashion designer, Will Drake (Cheyenne Jackson). The 90-year-old hotel is haunted by demons and mysterious ghosts including the founder, James Patrick March (Evan Peters); heroin junkie Sally (Sarah Paulson); and the strap-on-wielding Addiction Demon. Staff and residents of the hotel include the 111-year-old “vampire”, Elizabeth/The Countess (Lady Gaga), and her longtime paramour, the former drug-addict Donovan (Matt Bomer of WHITE COLLAR fame), as well as Donovan’s mother, the manager and front desk clerk Iris (Kathy Bates); the eccentric transgender bartender Liz Taylor (Denis O’Hare); and the Countess’ vengeance-obsessed lover, Ramona Royale (Angela Bassett). This piece was designed in collaboration with FX Creative. © FX Networks. This project was completed under the name of Iconisus L&Y. It is part of the Iconisus portfolio. Dreamogram is a new separate entity and not a continuation of Iconisus.