Better Things is an American comedy-drama television series created by Pamela Adlon and Louis C.K. for FX, starring Adlon as a divorced actress who raises her three daughters by herself. FX gave a 10-episode order on August 7, 2015. The series premiered on September 8, 2016. On September 20, 2016, FX renewed the series for a second season, which premiered on September 14, 2017. In October 2017, FX renewed the series for a third season. The series and Adlon’s performance has received critical acclaim. Adlon was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series in 2017.
The show received a Peabody Award in April 2017, with the board stating: “[…] this searingly funny and beautiful show is an at-times raw examination of the vicissitudes of working motherhood, crackling with feminist verve and energy, that consistently cuts new ground.” This piece was designed in collaboration with FX Creative. © FX Networks. This project was completed under the name of Iconisus L&Y. It is part of the Iconisus portfolio. Dreamogram is a new separate entity and not a continuation of Iconisus.