
Dead Man Down

Dead Man Down is a 2013 American neo-noir crime thriller film written by J.H. Wyman and directed by Danish director Niels Arden Oplev.

The film stars Colin Farrell (TRUE DETECTIVE), Noomi Rapace (PROMETHEUS), Dominic Cooper, and Terrence Howard (EMPIRE), and was released on March 8, 2013. Dead Man Down was Oplev’s first film since The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009), also starring Rapace and scored by Jacob Groth. Victor (Colin Farrell) has infiltrated a criminal empire run by ruthless kingpin Alphonse Hoyt (Terrence Howard). His objective is to make Alphonse pay for the murder of his wife and young daughter (Accalia Quintana) two years earlier. Victor intends to exact revenge on Alphonse through physical and psychological torture before finally killing him. © FilmDistrict. This project was completed under the name of Iconisus L&Y. It is part of the Iconisus portfolio. Dreamogram is a new separate entity and not a continuation of Iconisus.

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