Person of Interest is an American science fiction crime drama television series that aired on CBS from September 22, 2011, to June 21, 2016, its five seasons comprising 103 episodes. Created by Jonathan Nolan and J. J. Abrams, the series centers on a mysterious reclusive billionaire computer programmer named Harold Finch (Michael Emerson), who develops a supercomputer for the federal government known as “The Machine” that is capable of collating all sources of information to predict and identify people planning terrorist acts. Finch then recruits John Reese (Jim Caviezel), a former Green Beret and CIA agent who is presumed dead, and later others, to investigate and act on the information provided by the Machine. This project was completed under the name of Iconisus L&Y. It is part of the Iconisus portfolio. Dreamogram is a new separate entity and not a continuation of Iconisus. © CBS Television